Please Fill Out the Form Below

    JoeMiguel Academy Student Inquiry Form

    Thank you for your interest in registering as a student at JoeMiguel Academy.
    We look forward to connecting you with a future class date to educate you further
    on a redefined standard of beauty, where art can be created within all textures.

    5. Are you a licensed cosmetologist?

    8. Are you interested in Hosting a Class at your salon location or are you interested in being a student of the class?

    11. Rate your current status of expertise in Curly Hair
    ( 1= Beginner, 10=Expert )

    12. Which curl types are you more comfortable working with?

    13. Which curl types are you most interested in receiving information on?

    15. Select any of the following products that you are familiar using with curly hair
    AG Hair CareMizaniOlaplexSemi Di Lino

    16. Are you interested in learning Curl Color and Highlighting Techniques?

    17. Have you taken one of the JoeMiguel Academy Precision Curl Cut or Color
    Courses before? (Previous graduates are eligible for a Master Class)